A Personal View Of The
The Internet Subculture
Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case

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The Dave Lucas Radio Show
Radio Review December 31, 1998



beanie - 02:33am Dec 31, 1998 MST
... Jameson is a Liar. ... Curious

This morning's radio interviews have generated REAL news. Pam Paugh eliminated Fleet and Priscilla as supects. She did a great job of defending Patsy to the masses. Pam killed the DNA. Pam outed Jameson. There was much more. This was a true Ramsey Case spectacular. My hat is off to Dave Lucas... a talk show host who is more interested in the topic, than his ego. Bless you, Dave. And Lance... What can I say... GREAT job!!! ... Curious


jameson_ - 03:05am Dec 31, 1998 MST (#4 of 20)

Pam "outed" me ????? LOL
Pam told the truth - I am not related to the Ramseys and I do not work for them, or their lawyers, or their investigators.

We talked about my meeting the Ramseys last Spring - but that is on the TimeLine - no secret.

Pam said she and I have talked and met in person. Gee, is that a big surprise? (This happened last Fall)

We visited the cemetary together... surely someone will find a way to show how that proves the Ramseys did this and I am covering for them. God help me, I can't remember if we went dutch when we went to Dunkin' Donuts. I may not only be guilty of accepting a cup of coffee from John but of accepting a donut from his sister-in-law. Such high wages for two years of my life! What a joke...

But wait, I tend to pick up tabs... Maybe I bought HER the donut - Oh my, just what could THAT mean!!

I will tell you that we didn't take any photos of each other at the grave. Personally I find those "grave shots" offensive.

I think the show was a good one. Mrs. Brady, Darnay Hoffman, Andrew Hodges, Gsquared, SueBead, George and Frank from the Albany area, Beanie... they all spoke their minds.

And for once the other side was heard. Linda McLean, Pam Paugh and jameson spoke out.

For myself, I think I am quite done for a while. I had anticipated only doing one show, but certain things prompted me to call in again and I want to thank Matthews and Dave Lucas for the opportunity to speak. I think that the rumors about jameson and jameson's involvement here have been answered publicly in a manner that should end the continuous speculation on the forums. If posters choose to continue with their insistance that I am a member of the Ramsey family or on some Ramsey payroll, then they are clearly risking being accused of slander or libel.

I received a phone call informing me that there are posts on-line saying I am being investigated by the BPD or DA. I have spoken on these subjects with both of those agencies, long ago. I am not aware that either of these agencies has any desire to speak with me at this point. Once again, the forums are spreading rumors in a wasted effort to discredit me. Are the new rumors an effort to influence new posters or media who might just now be checking in? I wouldn't doubt it... typical forum thing.

Well, it is almost 5 am and I haven't made it to bed yet. I think the show was a good one... hope people really LISTENED and I hope justice is served...


lflowers - 01:52pm Dec 31, 1998 MST (#39 of 53)

I would think that this particular public appearance would have helped diminish at least some of the mystery and essentially tabloidesque speculation surrounding Jameson...certainly it does settle the question of her gender...and should have served to de villify her as well. I do not agree with Jameson's theories, but I do believe that her intentions are sincere...not rooted in ambition in the cheap sense; nor in a parsimonius desire for fame. This isnt about how much media exposure Jameson can get...about name dropping and other sleazy L.A. style publicity stunts turned under the table...

Jameson is indeed involved in this case on an intense emotional level; and perhaps, as with any kind of devotion of that nature, delusion is inevitably a factor.But nevertheless I believe wholeheartedly that her primary concern IS for justice for JonBenet, and not to promote herself as some kind of underground "celebrity" at the expense of a poor murdered six year old in wh0re's clothing. P.S. Patsy did it. (imo)


Radio Show matthews - 09:09pm Dec 31, 1998 MST
Thank GOD for the First Amendment !!!!

Thanks for your tuning in the other night. I had fun and was quite entertained. I hope you all enjoyed it.

It took a lot of effort to get the show together and I left the studio last night with a sense of satisfaction, knowing THAT I had been able to present the show without too many flaws.

I have seen the proRam documentary or the antiRam shows and have watched the other sides bicker afterwards about how the show was so prejudice. I always have invited both sides to the show Dave puts on. I was glad jameson showed last time and I believe her appearance and the way the show was formatted (information NOT confrontation) paved the way for last night's show to happen.

I wanted to present a show THAT had both viewpoints. Everything I've seen or heard thus far has been slanted either Pro or Anti-Ram. It has always troubled me THAT no program ever covers both sides of the circus. My intentions were to provide a venue that was both "safe" and comfortable for both sides to air their POV's and there personal opinions about this whole JBR case. I feel THAT I accomplished this. I am very pleased THAT Pam and Linda showed and were willing to participate. Jameson going on the air last night was an unplanned event.

Thank you, Mrs.Brady, for facilitating the appearance of Darnay and Dr.Hodges! Thank you Everyone that listened in and went to the chat room on WROW. Special thanks goes to Pam Paugh, Linda McLean, and even jameson..... for without them we would have had another Ram bashing show.....and of course afterwards the forums would be saying how "chicken" the other side was for not showing up.

I frequently speak to jameson.... getting her to come on the first time was VERY hard. She has a very soft voice and was very self conscious about being heard on the air. Dave had to turn her line ALL THE WAY UP so she would match the other voices on the air. This accounts for the slight distortion you may have heard and some have commented on. I find jameson to be sincere in her belief of innocence of the Rams and acts according to her beliefs. She will collect and distribute anything THAT points away from the Ramseys to support and reinforce her POV. I have enjoyed many a late night argument about case, with her.....sliding in an occasional "Patsy did it!" from my side.

I enjoyed my conversations with Linda McLean previous to her appearance on last nights show. I find THAT she has a great foundation in the mechanics of debate. I don't agree with her theories on why Patsy "couldn't have done it" but I don't need to agree with THAT sort of POV to be able to present an unbiased venue for both sides to speak out. I find Linda to be a very good conversationalist and I hope to speak with her in the future. (Lets's all pray there isn't a 3rd anny of this chit)

Pam was a hard sell. Getting her to come on the air was a tough cookie to bite into. I had made her aware of my POV and THAT my involvement in the internet was prompted by the illustrious J.T.Colfax. (Prolly not a wise decision...but the end results are what counts, eh?) As with Linda, I enjoyed my conversations with Pam prior to the show. I find her support of her family admirable, regardless of my opinion of Patsy's involvement in JBR's death.



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