A Personal View Of The
The Internet Subculture
Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case

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The Dave Lucas Radio Show
January 14, 1999 Show Comments



lflowers - 06:33pm Jan 13, 1999 MST (#60 of 66)
"if you want to find out who your friends are, go to a madhouse or to jail" Charles Bukowski

Listen carefully...you people need to understand that this is the DAVE LUCAS show.There are RULES OF CONDUCT,determined by WROW's program director, that must NECESSARILY be followed on the air.It was very clearly specified that the show in question remain a NON confrontational one; to reinterate what Lance has attempted to explain many times now. Please also try to realize that we've been dealing with some very high profile case people here who are NOT necessarily at legal liberty to take spontaneous questions from the public. This has nothing to do with your personal beliefs about Ramsey guilt or innocence...it isn't about conspiracy theories, or favorotism, or one side being given preference over another...it's reality; and it's the way it is. Dave's show is not your stomping ground.

As far as Jameson's setting forth the predetermined conditions of her appearance; well, so what? She was a guest. She did US a favor....not the other way around. She didn't ask us to come on....we asked her. So why is it so difficult for some of you to grasp the concept of her wanting to insure a flame free appearance?

I'm going to point it out again: some of the people involved in this case may or may not be in a legal position to answer certain questions. There's technical aspects to take into consideration here. Please consider this point before you start complaining about being denied ACCESS.



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