A Personal View Of The
The Internet Subculture
Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case
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The Dave Lucas Radio Show Radio Promo December 31, 1998 For January 1, 1999 Show |
POSTING ON THE BOULDER NEWS FORUM matthews - 09:09pm Dec 31, 1998 MST (#1 of 3) Thank GOD for the First Amendment !!!! As far as the guests from "my side" of the fence in respect to Darnay and Dr. Hodges, I will need to listen to the tapes before commenting, because I only heard one third of their broadcast due to running around like a chicken with it's head cut off in the studio. I actually only heard two thirds of the entire night. Speaking of tapes....I will have all three nights available soon, and will post details upon acquiring them. There will be a radio show tomorrow night, January 1st 12 midnight 'til 2 EST on WROW again. The show will be my story of involvement with the internet subculture, and of course the show will be centered around J.T.Colfax and his antics. I hopefully will have some interesting guests, but so far none are confirmed. I hope some of you who are reading this will support the show by calling in. The number is 1-8OO-WROW 59O. LFlowers will be in the chat room like last night. I really think those of you who have pre judged this artist based on his corpse photos should tune in. And on that note, I leave you with J.T.'s comments about the internet... J.T. speaks out about YOU!! And also ask THAT you visit The Colfax Diaries, for a perspective on him.....(There was a "glitch" in the mail and 8 more letters will go up on his site tomorrow....I am updating it daily now!) Thanks again, Lance Matthews END OF MATTHEWS POSTING |
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