A Personal View Of The
The Internet Subculture
Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case
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November 11, 1998 Dave Lucas Show in Albany, New York JonBenet Ramsey Murder And the Internet Subculture 1:00am-3:00am EST NO AUDIO FILES AVAILABLE |
A THREAD STARTED ON THE BNF BY LANCE MATTHEWS Hi, Tonight (Nov.11th) on WROW in N.Y., the midnight D.J. (Dave Lucas) is doing a special on JonBenet Ramsey Murder Subculture. The JBR segment will begin at half past midnite N.Y time. The invited guests include J.T.Colfax (we still are trying to get confirmation on HIS end), Patricia Calhoun from Westword, The Lie Guy, and others. I will be a guest in the studio during the broadcast. beanie - 10:09pm Nov 11, 1998 MST (#7 of 29) ... a Curious supporter of the Arts... Bring on the YeahButts! Sorry to say that I can just barely get a radio signal here... but I'll keep tryin'. Let yer voices be heard, YeahButts! jan - 10:16pm Nov 11, 1998 MST (#8 of 29) 100% BORG no fillers or additives..... Ah Dianne, it is so kind of you to think of them and their nutrition, you are a good EGG.. What would you like to order for them...Is it still early enough to order breakfast? FLOL jan - 10:46pm Nov 11, 1998 MST (#9 of 29) 100% BORG no fillers or additives..... Beanie!!!!!!!!good job! and I'm Curious...did you call twice???? wiltonjr - 10:55pm Nov 11, 1998 MST (#10 of 29) Goethe2/Seal posts anon threads and denies it Well, I tried several times and couldn't get through. : ( jan - 11:06pm Nov 11, 1998 MST (#11 of 29) 100% BORG no fillers or additives..... who was lie boy? jan - 11:08pm Nov 11, 1998 MST (#12 of 29) 100% BORG no fillers or additives..... Whose posing as curious, curious and beanie? msbrady - 11:50pm Nov 11, 1998 MST (#13 of 29) A Proud Member of the Fanatic Fringe© I'm on, this is kewell, but I am soooo sleepy! msbrady - 12:02am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#14 of 29) A Proud Member of the Fanatic Fringe© It's 1:40 AM here and the line just went dead. Don't know if I bumped the hang up key with my chubby jowl or if they were sick of me eating up their WATS, or if they didn't like my comments about fundamentalists. Oh weeel. Night all. PS - The Joshua-7.com server is down, if I can't access tomorrow, I'll post off the weekly thread here and the daily on JW instead. beanie - 12:20am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#15 of 29) ... a Curious supporter of the Arts... That was fun... Ma, Sis (Jan) and Lance were great. jan - 12:20am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#16 of 29) 100% BORG no fillers or additives..... Ma, you did great..we went back to you and you were gone...Curious and I went to town....I hope some of the prorams call in ..It seems so unfair that the State of NY is getting only one side of the case...hehehe beanie - 12:22am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#17 of 29) ... a Curious supporter of the Arts... I'm sorry JT couldn't make it... hope he wasn't being "rubber-hosed" while we were on. beanie - 12:24am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#18 of 29) ... a Curious supporter of the Arts... ... Where were the YeahButts? jan - 12:25am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#19 of 29) 100% BORG no fillers or additives..... That was better than Leeza..Nobody can attack me about my physical appearance....They have to attack me on my words.....The truth ........ I can't wait to hear the threats now......... jan - 12:29am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#20 of 29) 100% BORG no fillers or additives..... Yeah buts were invited.......Patsy wrote the note......yeah but!! There was prior sexual abuse....yeah but... beanie - 12:32am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#21 of 29) ... a Curious supporter of the Arts... ... Yeah but... Yeah but.... Abbott!!!! Who's on first? jan - 12:38am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#22 of 29) 100% BORG no fillers or additives..... i'm back on line, listening....come on, join me matthews - 03:04am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#23 of 29) To Curious, Jan, and Ma; Thanks so much for showing up. I had fun. 4:40AM here. Tired. Show was on till 4. Glad Patricia Calhoun showed up. talk after you all left was Colfax stuff and brief net stuff. Dave Lucas concluded the show with a diatribe on how the internet has created one large subculture away from society and within THAT sub there are many others. He also said that he wished that some of those "proRams" would've showed, as he wished that he could hear from someone that believed in Ramsey innocence. You WERE ALL INVITED; GOETHE, MURPHY, TEXAS!!! Where were you???? Some people would like to sit in a corner and speculate what it is like outside, rather than getting up and walking to the window or opening up that door to FIND out. Murphy, I thought YOU would've showed. msbrady - 06:14am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#24 of 29) A Proud Member of the Fanatic Fringe© That WAS more fun than Leeza - plus I was so sleepy I wasn't nervous at all! Besides, how many listeners does an Albany, NY radio station get after midnight? The Joshua-7 server has been "restored" from backups (dated 11/7 so Monday's issue is in cyber-heaven) but they haven't loaded the editing components yet, so Mrs. Brady's URLs is on forced hiatus again today. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to doing something useful tomorrow, and hence, I vent here. auntiebj - 08:15am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#25 of 29) If you wanna dance, you have to pay the fiddler. Could you folks who heard the radio show give us a run down on what was said or if other non-internet people called into the show? Are you saying it started at midnight and was still going strong by four in the morning? I was hoping to listen on the RealPlayer but their web site said it is not working yet :-(. Anyway would somebody like to give us a little report on the show? jan - 10:17am Nov 12, 1998 MST (#26 of 29) 100% BORG no fillers or additives..... I hung on the phone for almost the entire show(cawliflower ear) and it went lovely...Shared information is such a powerful thing..Curious was so eloquent..Ma was very informed and balanced..She explained the case in laymen terms, with great insights on motive and background..I was so proud to be borg or whatever it is that we are now..WE ARE THE NEW MEDIA..... Lance was top drawer..I only wish that JT would have been able to call in.. He would have been very warmly recieved... I felt a little warbely at first and then I relaxed when Ma and Curious showed up...It was great... msbrady - 12:37pm Nov 12, 1998 MST (#27 of 29) A Proud Member of the Fanatic Fringe© It was great...let's do it again really soon, where's our pimp? Didn't BobC volunteer for that job? BTW, Mrs. Brady's URLs is back up now and perking, nothing sizzling for today, but Wednesday's issue (postponed due to server melt-down) is pretty good. psychic - 10:56am Nov 13, 1998 MST (#28 of 29) yeah but, I missed the radio show. Where do I find the audio? yeah but,3 out of 10, or 10 out of 50, whatever the exact numbers, don't convince me that Patricia wrote the note. yeah but, I still don't understand the "proof" for prior molestation. The utopsy wasn't sure, was it. yeah but, glad your page is back up MrsB. I thought it was my fault or computer again........ matthews - 03:37pm Nov 13, 1998 MST (#29 of 29) HEY, the "Lie Guy" you've asked about, who appeared on the show, was: Stan B. Walters (a.k.a. The Lie Guy). he has trained law enforcement officials in lie detection for 22 years. He is the author of Kinesic Interview and Interrogation Techniques. He can be reached at LieGuy@aol.com |
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