A Personal View Of The
The Internet Subculture
Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case
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Lance Matthews Solution To the problems on The Boulder News Forum (BNF) On The JonBenet Discussion Board A Special Discussion on the Dave Lucas Radio Show February 16, 1999 ~ 1:00am-3:00am EST Part 6 of 7 |
RealAudio of Part 6 of the February 15, 1999
Dave Lucas Radio Show
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Dave Lucas: There somewhere and there are people who have ways of extracting that information. Jameson: Well somebody needs to tell that to people when they are coming on because I.... Dave Lucas: People don't know that though. Jameson: I had never been on the Internet before I went into the Ramsey forum. Matthews had never been on the computer before he went in the forum. Lance Matthews: I haven't touched a computer or been in the Internet until literally August 27th and I hopped on the Boulder News Forum in first week, second week of September and I came out and I told my story and I didn't think there was anything real big about printing under my real name or telling people anything but of course anything you tell them. Dave Lucas: Anything you say will be used against you. Lance Matthews: In the Boulder News Forum, yes. Jameson: And they will twist it and they will add to it. I mean, if you say um you know that that you had you know two dollars stolen they are going it two hund#FF0000, you know. Dave Lucas: Hang on a second guys cause we got to take a quick break here, your listening to AM590 WROW, Dave Lucas with you sitting in for Joe Lirosi for a couple a days. We're on the line with Jameson who moderates WebbSleuth's on the world wide web. Lance Matthews is also with us. Lance is a moderating the WROW chat room right now you could say. It is ten minutes in front of three o'clock and we will be back....... WROW STATION BREAK (COMMERCIALS REMOVED FROM TRANSCRIPT AND AUDIO) Dave Lucas: Right now twenty degrees in the Albany County International Airport and we are on the line with Jameson who moderates WebbSleuth's on the world wide web or should we say the world wide wake and Lance Matthews is also with us, Lance is a tippity typing in the WROW chat room. Welcome back to the program folks and you can pick it up Lance. Lance Matthews: Hey I guess a just about a, I don't know this is just ridiculous these, a lot of these people, ah, especially this Gsqua#FF0000 thing. This person claims that she's a lawyer and a..... Dave Lucas: Well, you know on the Internet you can claim to be anybody or anything, who would know? Lance Matthews: Oh yeah, and that's a fact. A lot of these people are definitely not what they, what they say they are. Jameson: You could have been a lawyer and you ended up a junkie? Lance Matthews: Heya yeah, I should have come out and said I was a lawyer, I mean other people are doing it, right? Ah, but yeah, I could have been anything but I could have been a contender, you know, I don't know, I, it's kind of irrelevant, um, it's funny a, somebody types something about you complain about talking about your deceased girlfriend but J.T.'s pictures of others, dead ones are art with question mark and you know it's funny a....Kira just answe#FF0000 (can't make out) to chicken to come on the air and speak for yourself and you have to type behind your little computer screen like sociopathic people out there that participate in this type of stuff. A, well you know I consider them art, yes I do, I consider them art. I wouldn't have a problem with, matter of fact somebody asked me this the other night, in fact Jameson you had asked me this the other night if it came down to it how would I feel if somebody put a picture on my girlfriend and took a picture of it, right? Jameson: Yes Lance Matthews: Yeah, well you know what, and I think my answer was as long as it was in good taste that they didn't touch or move or pose her body, I think she'd laugh if she is looking down from heaven because you know they can take a picture of my body too, that's not a problem, it's doing something viciously, mentioning a dead person viciously, you know a, to harm somebody, that is where it gets to be sick. You know J.T. did his little private thing, he didn't publish any of his photos, you know it is a completely different story, we're dealing with apple and oranges here, we're dealing with people's ridiculous spins, people who sit in front of their computer and type hateful vicious things over and over and that sort of thing. You know we're getting on to something that I want to, somebody had said that this whole thing started with me, a because I was down with the rat pack and I used to, hey I used to, I was one of the people who followed Jameson around on the forums and use to, use to post hateful things about her when I first came on because when I came on I noticed that it was kind of a us, them thing, yahoo, the pro-rams against the anti-rams, the anti-rams against the pro-rams and people just going back and forth and you pick a team and you join the team and you join up with the rat pack. But a, I don't know I don't, I don't think....... Jameson: But, but you went after me. Lance Matthews: I, I don't think like a sheep. Oh yeah, In the beginning I went after you, like everybody else, I played the part but I went and I went and reached out a little bit and started writing you and the rest is history now but a, you know when this whole thing started that's the way it was and somebody had mentioned that the whole, the whole big flame fest with me being involved and people crossing the line and everybody starting to hate me on the forums was because I called Jameson an expert on the case a on one of our radio shows a that I did with you Dave and I will say it again.....Jameson, you, in my opinion are an expert in the case. Now you, see I consider Ma Brady an expert in the case. The definition if you would like to get right down to it, Jameson, you are an expert at compiling a timeline for this case. Do I agree with your personal opinions on the timeline? No way! Do I agree with your personal commentaries, oh come on please, don't even go there, I, I don't, I don't even have your point of view as far as this case goes at all. I completely disagree with it but I do think your an expert at compiling a timeline. I think that Ma Brady is an expert, Mrs. Brady's URL's. I think she is an expert at compiling an easy place for people to click on all the current news available on Ramsey and related items. Dave Lucas: And Lance, CBS is an expert at the news and it is almost CBS news time so we are going to ask you folks to hang in there and join us on the other side of the CBS at three o'clock if you will. And for all of you who are leaving us now, thanks for being with us. I know we are going to pick up some new listeners as the hour of three o'clock approaches which it rapidly is doing as we speak. Clouds overnight, the low seventeen..... WROW STATION BREAK (COMMERCIALS REMOVED FROM TRANSCRIPT AND AUDIO) Dave Lucas: And a one of these subcultures is the topic of tonight's discussion. We're talking about the Boulder News JonBenet discussion forum. Now I wasn't there in the beginning. I ah, just started reading there when I just by chance met a fellow by the name of Lance Matthews and he recommended I check it out. Since that day I visited the forum on numerous occasions, I watched the topics of threads ranging from serious discussions on aspects, theories on the murder to vicious attacks on other people posting on the forum. I have even seen people encouraging others to reach past their computers and actually try to harm others at their places of employment and their homes. Now folks it is sickening to me to see a forum that is suppose to be a discussion about a murde#FF0000 child turn into such an abuse of freedom of speech and I have even seen this forum closed during or rather due to this abuse and well during the abuse, yes. And it was recently opened up again. We tried to get Gary Love, Sysop from the Boulder News Forum to come on the program with us but so far he's refused. The funny thing is on this forum the same folks who cried and complained about the closing are some of the people who have made a mockery of the case and are abusing the forum again so we are welcoming anyone out there who is a poster or lurker on the Boulder New Forum and they are in, some of them are in the WROW chat room right now. Some of them are in other chat rooms but they are listening to this broadcast so if you folks would like to call in if you feel you have anything valuable to say or contribute or if you would just like to defend your actions on the Internet and I know your not going to call in because I know a lot of you are cowards but your welcome to call in at 1-800-WROW590. For anyone local who would like to join in the discussion about the case with our two guests, 476-5959 is the local line or pound 590 from your cellular telephone and we are on the line with two guests, a first of all we have Jameson on. Jameson is the moderator of WebbSleuth's which has gained a great deal of popularity on the world wide web and Jameson what's the URL to get on WebbSleuth's? Jameson: Well, a, the easiest way to get to WebbSleuth's, to me is to go through the Timeline, it's on the front page of it, it has the a forum area. The URL for that is quite complicated. Ah.... Dave Lucas: I hate complicated URL's (chuckling) Jameson: Ah, the URL for the Timeline is https://members.tripod.com/~jamesonTimeLine. And the only letters in Jameson TimeLine that are capitalized are the T and the L in Timeline. That will bring you to the front page of the timeline and from there you go down the page you will see the JonBenet forum. If you click on the button it will bring you to the forum and the URL for that (chuckles) is really long. Do you want it? Dave Lucas: Ah, maybe we better not cause you know I find a lot of these long URL's people really don't have a chance to write them down and sometimes when they do they make a mistake, you know. It's probably a lot easier to just go to the Timeline and then kind of take off from there, you know follow the links. Jameson: It's Members Tripod Com and then Jameson timeline. If anybody's looking for it, if they do a web search or a JonBenet Ramsey or Jameson they will come up with the timeline. Dave Lucas: Okay, I am hoping that somebody will a, will someday will simplify the Internet. Also we have Lance Matthews with us on the line. Lance are you still there? Lance Matthews: Oh yeah, I'm still here. Dave Lucas: Okay and Lance ah it must be our lucky night because guess what? Lance Matthews: What? Dave Lucas: We have a one of the cowards from Lance Matthews: Oh my God Dave Lucas: The Internet a, just called in Lance Matthews: No way? Dave Lucas: So, yeah, yeah so we're going to pop on here and see who we've got. Hello coward, identify yourself? Lori (LooLoo/Poisnivy): Ah, hello yes, this is Lori Dave Lucas: And where you calling from? Lance Matthews: Oh my gosh! Lori (LooLoo/Poisnivy): I'm calling from Memphis, Tennessee Dave Lucas: Okay Lance Matthews: Hi Lori Lori (LooLoo/Poisnivy): Hello Lance Lance Matthews: How's it going? Lori (LooLoo/Poisnivy): I am doing just fine, I see your playing the victim here tonight Dave Lucas: Lance, are you playing the victim here tonight? Lance Matthews: Oh, it's my best role Dave Lucas: His best role. And a, Lori what, what things have you been doing on this forum that you should not have been doing? Lance Matthews: (laughs) Lori (LooLoo/Poisnivy): Well, I posted the wheel of misfortune thread after I received an unsolicited phone call at three am from someone who posted that they were going to be passing my personal information to a group of convicts and etc. so yes I did post that thread and I am not sorry about it at all. Dave Lucas: What a world wide web it is. Lance Matthews: You know it's a funny thing is a..... Lori (LooLoo/Poisnivy): Excuse me I can't hear you. Lance Matthews: The funny thing is that you know yeah, I had, I had posted, that I went to Internet sites and sex sites and posted all your personal information so people would contact you. The funny thing is Lori is I don't even know your last name nor do I know the town you live on. Matter a fact I got into an argument with someone the other day because I was convinced your name really wasn't Lori so that was a big joke and then you blamed me for getting a phone call. Well it is funny because what I have noticed in the forums is a lot of people there are supposably friends with other people hope on another hat or do things a, against them just to stir crap up with people. Now what I'd suggest is that maybe that was somebody that you knew that had your number that made the phone call just possibly to aggravate you cause the fact is I don't a, I don't even know your last name, I don't know where you live so I don't have any personal information on you so....... Lori (LooLoo/Poisnivy): Well, Lance I have (......) through someone who suggest otherwise. But regardless of the fact of whether you made the phone call or not, that's really not the point here, the point is you had done things to aggravate the forum and so therefore the things that are posted about you is just as much your fault as it is anyone else's. Dave Lucas: This sounds like net rage going on here. Lance Matthews: Now what, what... Dave Lucas: We've heard of rode rage, now we have net rage. Lance Matthews: Lori, let's get into specifics, cause I'm really hip on specifics. What specifically did I do that made you angry for you to start up on the forum, a, let's say harassing me with words? Lori (LooLoo/Poisnivy): The thing that made me angry to begin with was that I called your radio station show after you suggested that I do so and after LFlowers suggested that I do so in the chat room because I wanted to confront Jameson on some of the things that he, well I call him a he because I really don't know if it's a he or she. It appears to be a she on the radio but the........ Lance Matthews: I think that John, I think that John Ramsey's voice altering machine is great and Jameson hooks up to that machine. John, your doing a good job. Go ahead, Lori, I'm sorry. Go.. Lori (LooLoo/Poisnivy): Anyway... What was the question again, I'm sorry. Lance Matthews: |